Without going into the whole shebang....I will remain in first grade (unless we get enough new kindergarteners to add a 6th unit) and nevermind the fact that the person in kindergarten position does NOT even have tenure....(so in my mind, there IS a place for me - but I'm not being allowed to have it). I love the person in position #5 (and it has nothing to do with her)and hope to work with her in the future...and she knows about all of this, so I'm not talking behind her back....but this school politics business is crap.
I'm so over it. DONE.....
The good news is that we have a new custodian at my school who is so sweet and he is (gasp) almost finished stripping and waxing my hallway and classroom....and that means....I can fix my room early! This delights me to no end! It's a good thing too, because I am doind a book study on Math Work Stations by Debbie Diller and I am anxious to purge and organize. You can check it out here: www.steinhouse.com
I've been finding lots of cute things online and filling up my "ideas notebook" and I would love nothing more than to be "first day ready to go" in about a month!

I will post pictues and I have a ton of other topics to blog about but all of that school-politics took the wind out of my sails for a while.
I had a great big pity party (and I may be going to the higher-ups with my complaints) but I might as well get ready- because August 6 is coming at me like a freight train! ha!
So what do you do to get yourself ready for the first of a new school year? Happy Planning! Alicia
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