And then you can pick your acronym from this site:
At my school, each first grade class has an animal mascot. We have bears, ponys, bees, frogs and fish. Each teacher uses her own version of the MOOSE book and puts the things in it that are important to her. We check them first thing in the morning as the children are coming in the classroom. Everyone has a special place where they are stored in numerical/ABC order. It's easy to see who's is missing. The most important components of the MOOSE book (to me) are the zipper pocket for notes and money (No more hunting through backpacks for lunch money) and the homework, sign and return pocket. (If you sent home homework or a fieldtrip from - this is where it should be when it is returned!
We use 1/2 inch Clear-Vue binders so we can slip a decorated sheet in the front clear pocket. We've found that 1/2 inch works perfectly for our needs. Here's what we did to get them ready the first year we used them. This system worked for us, but you might want to ask for donations if you do not want to have an out of pocket expense to begin with. We went to Sam's Club and purchased the first set of 1/2 inch binders. Then, we had them ready when school started in the fall. On the school supply list, we had the binders listed and then when they cam in we took them up to use for the next years's class. There are many ways to get your binders! Be creative.
You won't regret it! I promise!
Here's a list of what goes in my Bear Books.
Front clear pocket will hold weekly behavior contract and behind that our reading logs will be stored. Zipper pocket for notes and money, laminated pocket folder (cut in half with edges sealed with colored duct tape) for sign and return papers and homework, clear page protector for school calendar/monthly calendar, clear page protector with ABC handwriting sample and sign language alphabet, file folder cut in half and laminated (Labeled "Reading Practice") this is where our Reading Street "flat story" of the week goes. Back pocket holds dismissal slips.
I highly recommend Bear Books! (or whatever you want to call them!) How will you make the Bear Book your own? Alicia
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