Sunday, January 16, 2011

Happy New Year!

We had a fun time learning about New Year's Resolutions. I told the children that it was like making a promise to yourself about something you wanted to do better. I encourage them to try and think of something no one else is going to say. That way, I don't get a lot of repeats of "I want to play with my brother/sister/dog/friends." I think my favorite one was from Marlee...."My resolution is...I want to do more cartwheels!" Yes indeed! More cartwheels! Isn't that what childhood is all about?!

So, we made our paper people, very TLC Art style, and added a party hat (triangle flashcard...who knew they had such things) with an Ellison cut star on top and 4-5 itty-bitty stars glued on for effect. The teacher supply store was out of pre-cut party hats so I had to make do. Hot glue a party blower to the mouth and they turned out quite festive. I like the way they look on the black paper.

In first grade, we have a New Year's celebration on the first Friday we are back at school in the new year. Everyone makes a party hat (stapled to a sentence strip. We give each child a party blower, one baggie each of 12 washed, seedless grapes, a pile of confetti, and a long strip of bubble wrap (we have people save this for us all throughout the year). We explain all about the tradition of eating one grape for each month of the year and making a wish for that month. Many Spanish-speaking countries do this and at our school, we've decided to do this instead of toasting with sparkling grape juice. We decided to not portray anything that resembled drinking....just in case! We make our wishes. Count down the last minutes, and let them toss confetti, blow their blowers and twist the bubble wrap! Sounds like fireworks going off! The children love it! The adults love it for about 2 minutes....then the headaches set in! (which is why it happens on a Friday afternoon!) So much fun! I think the best part is that all 5 first grade teachers work together for this little bit of fun! I have a great team. We plan together each summer so we know when our special events are and each person works to lighten the load. Many hands make light work! I'll do a post soon on our awesome day of planning.

What do you do to celebrate the new year? Alicia

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